Terms and Conditions
The charge for therapy is as set out on the website. This is £85 per 1-hour session. Any longer session, if agreed to be necessary by both parties in advance, will be charged on a pro-rata basis.
a) The session fee is subject to revision from time to time. Advance notice will be given of any increase.
b) Human Givens therapists aim to meet the needs of their clients in as few sessions as possible and do not charge in advance for a course of treatment
c) any extra work undertaken on the client’s behalf, such as writing reports or letters for other agencies will be charged at the standard hourly rate.
Cancellation policy
24 hours notice of cancellation is required, otherwise the full session fee will be payable. Before that time, appointments can be cancelled or altered free of charge.
A session may be booked via this website in which case payment is made at the time of booking. Alternatively, a session not booked via the website will be invoiced for after it has been taken and payment terms are payment on receipt of invoice and before the next scheduled appointment.
Personal Information
Your personal information will be kept in accordance with the Data Protection Act (2018) and the General data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Please see our Privacy Policy for full details of the information we process.
Outcome measures
On occasion, your therapist may use various measures in order to gauge your response to treatment. If you are happy to do so, you may be asked to fill out some brief questionnaires during initial and final therapy sessions. These questionnaires help the therapist understand your needs, your past and present strengths and how best to help.
The work of this practice is governed by The Codes of Ethics & Professional Practice of the Human Givens Institute. The Institute can be contacted as follows:
The HGI Membership Secretary, Human Givens Institute, Chalvington, East Sussex,
BN27 3TD, UK
Telephone: 01323 811662
E-mail: hgi@humangivens.com
The Human Givens Institute’s Code of Ethics and Conduct can be viewed at: https://www.hgi.org.uk/about-hgi/ethics-and-conduct. If you would like a paper copy of the Policy, please contact the Human Givens Institute.